
Thu, 05/27/2021

Masks no longer required on Lawrence, Edwards campuses

The University of Kansas is rescinding its mask policy and will now make masks optional – not required – for all individuals on the Lawrence and Edwards campuses, effective immediately. Exceptions include public transportation and campus healthcare facilities, which will still require masks.
Mon, 05/24/2021

Reflections on our academic year

With yesterday’s Commencement capping off our semester, it’s worth looking back on an academic year that’s been like no other in history and celebrating your contributions to our success.
Mon, 05/24/2021

University to implement Task Force on Community-Responsive Public Safety recommendations

Today I am writing to voice my support for each of the Task Force on Community-Responsive Public Safety recommendations and to let you know that the university will be implementing all of them.
Mon, 04/05/2021

KU announces new athletics director

I am excited to announce that Travis Goff is joining the University of Kansas as our new director of athletics.
Wed, 03/10/2021

A change in leadership for Kansas Athletics

Earlier today, Director of Athletics Jeff Long announced he is stepping down from his position. Jeff and I spoke at length last night, and while I know he would have loved to stay here many more years, I respect his selfless decision to step down so that we can move Kansas Athletics in a different direction.
Tue, 02/23/2021

Update on COVID-19 vaccine availability for higher education

We have good news to share related to COVID-19 vaccines and how higher education is prioritized in the state’s vaccine plans. Local public health authorities may now determine that it is appropriate to include university faculty and staff in the current phase of vaccine distribution if those workers are providing critical services in close contact with a large number of individuals and are not able to work remotely.
Wed, 02/17/2021

Jeff DeWitt to become KU chief financial officer

I am writing to announce the newest member of our senior leadership team. Jeff DeWitt, a seasoned financial administrator with more than 30 years of experience in complex public sector roles, will join KU as our new chief financial officer & executive vice chancellor for finance.
Tue, 02/16/2021

“One Day. One KU.” Your work inspires our donors

This week, on Thursday, February 18, we’re again bringing together supporters of our university for our fourth annual 24-hour giving campaign, One Day. One KU.
Tue, 02/09/2021

Our plans for Commencement this spring

While there are still many unknowns about how the pandemic will play out in the months ahead, we are tentatively planning to host in-person Commencement events in May, both for this year’s graduates and the Class of 2020.
Thu, 01/21/2021

An update on a new KBOR policy

Earlier this week, the Kansas Board of Regents approved a temporary policy that gives universities flexibility in suspending, dismissing or terminating employees in light of the historic financial challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The policy requires that any university intending to enact suspensions, dismissals or terminations must first present to the Board for approval a decision-making framework. That framework must be submitted to the Board within the next 45 days.
Tue, 01/19/2021

Governor Kelly’s budget recommendations for KU

Last Wednesday, Governor Kelly released her budget recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year. The Governor recommends a $13.6 million cut to KU’s base appropriation, which comprises a $7.6 million cut for Lawrence and a $6 million cut for KU Medical Center.
Fri, 01/15/2021

KU completes transition of Watkins Health Services oversight to regional healthcare partners

After months of hard work, we are pleased to share that The University of Kansas Health System and LMH Health will assume responsibility for medical management and oversight of Watkins Health Services beginning this month.
Wed, 01/13/2021

COVID-19 tests required for students, faculty, staff returning to Lawrence campus this semester

Given how entry testing helped us identify people who may have been unaware of their COVID-19 status and take action to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we will again be mandating COVID-19 tests for students, faculty, and staff who plan to be on campus any time before Feb. 12.
Fri, 01/08/2021

Announcing the retirement of University Architect Jim Modig

Jim Modig, our university architect, will be leaving KU after a remarkable 41-year career with the university. This is his final week with the university.
Thu, 01/07/2021

A statement on violence at the U.S. Capitol

This morning we join our colleagues across higher education in condemning the shocking violence that unfolded yesterday at the United States Capitol. We should all be horrified and humiliated by what happened in the very seat of our American democracy.
Thu, 12/03/2020

Attendance at Kansas Athletics events during the second week of December

Kansas Athletics will begin hosting fans Monday, December 7 through Monday, December 14. This time period comprises three men’s basketball games, two women’s basketball games and our final home football game.
Wed, 11/25/2020

Reflecting on the fall semester

As the semester winds down and we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to take a moment to say how thankful I am for your efforts. This has been a semester of great challenges — but also great successes, thanks to you.
Mon, 11/23/2020

Attendance at Kansas Athletics events in early December

I write today to inform you that we will continue to not host fans during the first week of December, which includes all events through and including Saturday, Dec. 5. For contests after that week, we will make decisions about attendance on a week-by-week basis so we can be responsive to the most current circumstances and medical guidance.
Tue, 11/17/2020

Attendance at Kansas Athletics events and the spread of COVID-19 across the region

In light of the ongoing surge in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations across the region, we have determined we will not host fans at any Kansas Athletics home competitions for the rest of November. This includes volleyball matches this Thursday and Friday, our football game this Saturday, women’s basketball games Nov. 25 and Nov. 29, and our football game Nov. 28.
Tue, 11/10/2020

Our salary reduction plan and paid leave during winter break

We write you today with an update on our salary reduction plan and news regarding paid leave during winter break for Lawrence and Edwards campus employees.
Tue, 11/10/2020

COVID-19 testing options for the remainder of the fall semester

As we approach the end of the fall semester, we want to update you on our COVID-19 testing plans through the end of this year and into next semester.
Fri, 10/30/2020

An update on our current fiscal year shortfall and the challenges ahead

Earlier this year, we announced the Lawrence and Edwards campuses face an estimated revenue shortfall of $120 million for the current fiscal year. Today we are able to report an updated shortfall of $47.6 million.
Wed, 10/21/2020

Search process for a new director of the Dole Institute of Politics

I am writing today to let you know that, in consultation with Senator Bob Dole, we have established the search committee that will lead the process of finding the next Dole Institute director.
Thu, 10/01/2020

Our latest enrollment numbers and the challenges ahead

I write to share a few thoughts about our annual 20th day enrollment numbers, which were released today in coordination with the Kansas Board of Regents, and to describe how recent enrollment trends will impact KU.
Fri, 09/25/2020

An update on attendance at Kansas Athletics events

I am writing to let you know we will begin allowing fans to attend Kansas Athletics competitions, starting with the October 3 football game against Oklahoma State, with attendance limits and robust health and safety protocols in place.
Sun, 09/20/2020

Remembering Reggie Robinson

It is with a heavy heart that I write you regarding Reggie Robinson, one of our most accomplished and beloved Jayhawks, who passed away this weekend at the age of 63.
Fri, 09/18/2020

Introducing our weekly short-term forecast of COVID-19 cases

Last Friday, we launched a new COVID-19 dashboard to share metrics such as positive cases, positivity rates, and Student Housing quarantine and isolation data. Today I am writing to present another new tool: a short-term forecast that projects total positive cases and new positive cases within the KU community two weeks into the future.
Fri, 09/11/2020

New tools for sharing COVID-19 data

Last Wednesday, I wrote you regarding our latest COVID-19 testing results and explained how we are pivoting from mass entry testing to a new testing strategy for the rest of the semester. In that message, I also explained that we would launch a new approach to share testing results and related data. I am pleased to share that approach with you today.
Tue, 09/08/2020

Remembering Chancellor Budig

I am sad to report that former Chancellor Gene Budig has passed away at the age of 81. He leaves behind his wife, Gretchen, their three children and five grandchildren, and countless Jayhawks whose lives he touched.
Fri, 09/04/2020

An update on the search process for a new CFO

Last spring, we announced that Diane Goddard, our chief financial officer and vice provost for finance, will be retiring at the end of this semester after 36 years with KU. I am writing today to let you know we have established the search committee that will lead the process of finding our next CFO.

Media Contacts

Erinn Barcomb-Peterson

Director of KU News


Joe Monaco

Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs
